My Day 4 of Positive Psych: Resilience and Cafe Exit:
What is the concept of resilience?
Within the field of positive psychology, the idea of resilience is a class of phenomena characterized by the patterns of positive adaption in the context of significant adversity or risk. With regards to action, an individual is resilient when they are doing at minimum ok according to expectations or better. An individual is exposed to risks that has threaten a good outcome in life. Common discussion questions whether a person is being resilient is whether they are living life better than the expectations of them as well as what areas in life are they well in (academic, social, relationships, well-being, health). In addition, clearly identifying the problem and its correct, appropriate solution are important elements to resilience. In the Theory of Planned Behavior, attitude towards the behavior, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control are three determinants that can help predict behavior. If the determinants are strong, our intention becomes stronger so we are more likely to carry out the behavior.
Field trip: Cafe Exit
Cafe Exit is a church-based social project offering opportunities and giving hope to prisoners and released prisoners. In the community, an individual can gain insight and develop abilities that can help him or her take on the responsibility of his or her life, break former patterns, and become a member of society. Some services offered are: informal time together, dept counseling, talk therapy, mentoring, voluntary work, clubs, choir, cultural afternoon, and other church-based social activities.
First of all, I love your layout. The pictures you chose to incorporate were both informative and entertaining (especially the first one). I like that you chose to describe the theory of planned behavior.